How can Flower Agate help?
A grounding stone that can be used to encourage self-growth and restore emotional balance. This stone is connected to the Heart Chakra and helps balance the Root Chakra. Helps promote spontaneity and joy. Connected to the Zodiac Signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini.
A form of Chalcedony. It has 3-dimensional “plumes” to create flower-like patterns. Some of these plumes look like “seeds” while others look fully “bloomed”. They represent the journey of reaching your goals. This reminds you that you start out as a seed and blossom as you grow.
It may help restore emotional balance, stress, anxiety, and depression. Flower Agate brings a deep sense of calm. It can also help promote motivation, ambition, and courage. It’s also a protective crystal to help you refocus your mind to a happy, healthy place.
Flower Agate Pi Pendant (I)
- Black poly/cotton cord with adjustable sliding knot closure.
- 47mm Flower Agate. 12mm thick.
- Bright aluminum chain maille links
- Includes anti-tarnish bag OR anti-tarnish tab (depends on supply)